Tuesday, March 16, 2010

OMG. I'm Blogging.

I'm back! For now, at least. I think my absence can be excused because I've been boring. Really. I'm not really in transit anymore -- I'm here. Staying put. Heck, I've even been in one apartment for nearly a year. A year! (Ok, I did move rooms in that apartment, but I don't count that as a full move.)

But, it's about to be spring and without being cliche, I really feel like I'm waking up from a sort of hibernation and regular winter malaise. My spring kick-off? The NYC Half Marathon on Sunday.

Ay. I'm feeling ok about this one -- I'm hoping I can beat my time from last year, but I'm ok if I don't. (I think I'm ok if I don't.) I hurt my leg last week so I had to take nearly a week off at a really inopportune time, but maybe it was some sort of blessing. I took some time off, didn't get burnt out, and am really ready to get out there again. Knock on wood. Soooo, here goes. Back to running, back to blogging!