Tuesday, March 16, 2010

OMG. I'm Blogging.

I'm back! For now, at least. I think my absence can be excused because I've been boring. Really. I'm not really in transit anymore -- I'm here. Staying put. Heck, I've even been in one apartment for nearly a year. A year! (Ok, I did move rooms in that apartment, but I don't count that as a full move.)

But, it's about to be spring and without being cliche, I really feel like I'm waking up from a sort of hibernation and regular winter malaise. My spring kick-off? The NYC Half Marathon on Sunday.

Ay. I'm feeling ok about this one -- I'm hoping I can beat my time from last year, but I'm ok if I don't. (I think I'm ok if I don't.) I hurt my leg last week so I had to take nearly a week off at a really inopportune time, but maybe it was some sort of blessing. I took some time off, didn't get burnt out, and am really ready to get out there again. Knock on wood. Soooo, here goes. Back to running, back to blogging!


Julie said...

Glad to see you back! Can't wait to hear more from you. And good luck with the half marathon—as always, I'm impressed and humbled by all my lovely runner friends.

sulu-design said...

I'm so glad you're back here and glad to read that you're running the race today (I came upon your post a bit late). I think the time that you had to take off due to your injury probably served you well. The rest part of a training plan is just as important as the long runs. Have a wonderful time!

climb NYC said...

Glad to see you back! Can't wait to hear more from you. And good luck with the half marathon—as always, I'm impressed and humbled by all my lovely runner friends.