Wednesday, October 1, 2008

Fall Showers bring Winter ... Jobs?

It stormed a fantastic storm last night, just like a classic spring thunderstorm in the Midwest. And being raised in the Midwest, I adore storms. So despite a mean bout of insomnia and a ragin', cajun head cold, I was ok with being up until 3 am listening to it. It's funny when such natural-type things happen in New York City. It's almost like you forget that the sky can open up and unleash something awesome when you're surrounding by so much that's unnatural.

I think I'm going to try to give myself a day off this week to explore the city like a tourist. I'll grab NY Mag's Cheap Guide and get hunting. After all, I haven't stepped foot in my favorite home store ever, ABC Carpet and Home, nor have I even seen the Statue of Liberty or Brooklyn Bridge yet. When I used to travel to Brooklyn on the R (or is it the N?) the above-ground line afforded me a few sneak peeks. But now the F train shuttles me under the East River and drops me off without the views.

This is a really pointless post; I'm really just killing time until I have to go into the city for a meeting. Question of the day: tights or no tights? I gotta wear them with these pretty booties that came in the mail for my birthday (thanks, Mom! xoxo)You'd hire me with these shoes, right?

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