Friday, October 24, 2008

Am Alive and Kickin'

So sad that my last post that's been living on here forever was about an iPod when so many other exciting things have happened lately.

The most exciting thing: A JOB!

Yes, it's true. I'm no long an unemployed schlump. I'm thrilled. Beyond thrilled. I started Monday and so far it's busy, challenging, and slightly overwhelming, but also incredibly fulfilling. And it's a breath of fresh air considering the situation I came from. (My boss tells me to leave at 6 and scolds me if I don't leave for at least an hour's lunch.)

Second exciting thing: AN APARTMENT!

I now have a permanent place to lay my head, and it doesn't involve an air mattress. It does, however, involve a very cool Midwest girl and her very cool boyfriend from Maine. And best of all, it involves a very beautiful Australian Shepherd, the same kind of dog as my Tess and Haley.

It's all falling into place, friends. It just takes some time and patience and trust. I'll get more into that later. In short, I've learned so so so much.

Wednesday, October 8, 2008

Gus Jr.

After a good five years out of my old iPod Mini urging me on during runs, I've finally realized it's time to replace him. My runs used to be accompanied by Scissor Sisters and Bloc Party for a good 20 minutes. Now I get about 5 minutes, if I'm lucky.

I'm sorry, I loved you, but you gotta go. So with a birthday gift card (thanks, family!), I replaced Gus, my old stand-by, with Gus Jr.:

I'm a little obsessed with it already. Can you tell? Why else would I write about it? It's so small! And it clips to my clothes—no more sweaty armband!

Now if only my two-week old raging butthead of a cold would go away so I could enjoy the fall weather and go for a run.

New York's Great Tourist Traps

It's no secret: I will visit any New York tourist trap. Statue of Liberty? Sure! Those tourist buses that you sit on top of while a yappy tourist guide tells you where all the celebs live? Yes, please. And give me a day that's totally empty of obligations, weather that's gorgeous, a friend who's willing to traipse around with me (and, miraculously, a city that seemed empty of actual tourists), and I'm set.

So, that's what my friend Snow and I did last weekend. See, she's worked at a number of museums around the city, so she has a handy little card that gets us in anywhere free.

Our first stop: The American Museum of Natural History. Little known fact about me: I'm a big nerd for museums, and this museum makes me feel like a little kid every time I go. I love it there.

I will never get over my love of tigers. Rarr!

Hands-down, the coolest display in any museum, anywhere.

Next on our list was the Starry Night exhibition at MoMA. Sold out. Darn it. But on our walk there, we passed the Ed Sullivan Theatre, where David Letterman tapes. Now I was getting way too into this tourist thing, and sweet-talked Snow into taking a photo of me under the marquee. See, my parents (hi, Mom and Dad!) are huge Letterman fans. In fact, before I moved to New York, my mom would watch the show and see shots of Broadway, then call me and ask, "Doesn't it make you want to be there?"

Then I walked around the corner to see if Rupert was around at Hello Deli.

Right before we snapped this photo, Rupert walked out. "Rupert!" I said, sticking my hand. He shook it. "I'm Rachel, it's nice to meet you." "Nice to meet you, too," he said. "Love you on the show!" "Thanks," he said and went inside to make more sandwiches.

Some people have real celeb sightings. I have Rupert.

Our final stop of the day was Rockefeller Center, on a totally boring stop at the NBC Store. As we walked by 30 Rock, I told Snow how I'd really wanted to go up to the Top of the Rock. A quick glance at the line, a "why not?" glance at me, and she said: Let's just go. A great friend.

We pose like tourists, too.

So worth the $20. Best views of the city.

I'm not sure when people move here why they feel automatically too cool to do these things. I can sit at home on a Saturday in Iowa the same way I can do here. In Iowa you can't go up 70-some stories and see all of New York City, though. Can't see any skeletons of T-Rexes either. Gotta take advantage of it while I'm here, I guess.

So a bit of this is for Jessica, who told me to make my New York Bucket List. This was part of it, girl. Hope you approve!

Friday, October 3, 2008

The Guys of NYC

Just had to share this gem of a morning experience:

I'm walking out of the subway, and a guy is climbing the stairs right next to me. He looks at me, and says, "ooh, it's cold out."

"Uh huh," I say as I keep walking up the stairs.

"Damn, you looking gorgeous," he says. "Mmm hmmm. And, look at that, you're not married."

I ignore him.

"Girl, can I walk with you?" he asks as we get outside.



Well, ok, then!

Wednesday, October 1, 2008

As a Treat ...

When/if I finally land a job, I'd very much like to reward myself with a little yoga retreat. (Yeah, yeah, I know: Rachel lands a job, immediately goes on vacation. I'm talking about a few months after being hired.)

See, the bitch of life is that when I probably need yoga the most, I can't afford it. It's been July since I've been to a class; probably the longest stretch I've gone since I started practice, oh, six years ago.

Any recommendations on YouTube videos for at-home practice?

and Cara: I think you should join me on this Mexican retreat. Yeah? Good.

Happy World Veggie Day

Hug a vegetarian today. It's our day!

Fall Showers bring Winter ... Jobs?

It stormed a fantastic storm last night, just like a classic spring thunderstorm in the Midwest. And being raised in the Midwest, I adore storms. So despite a mean bout of insomnia and a ragin', cajun head cold, I was ok with being up until 3 am listening to it. It's funny when such natural-type things happen in New York City. It's almost like you forget that the sky can open up and unleash something awesome when you're surrounding by so much that's unnatural.

I think I'm going to try to give myself a day off this week to explore the city like a tourist. I'll grab NY Mag's Cheap Guide and get hunting. After all, I haven't stepped foot in my favorite home store ever, ABC Carpet and Home, nor have I even seen the Statue of Liberty or Brooklyn Bridge yet. When I used to travel to Brooklyn on the R (or is it the N?) the above-ground line afforded me a few sneak peeks. But now the F train shuttles me under the East River and drops me off without the views.

This is a really pointless post; I'm really just killing time until I have to go into the city for a meeting. Question of the day: tights or no tights? I gotta wear them with these pretty booties that came in the mail for my birthday (thanks, Mom! xoxo)You'd hire me with these shoes, right?